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Upsilon Phi Delta Grant Application Now Available

By Chris Anne Sanyer posted 03-09-2020 13:52

AUPHA is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2020 Upsilon Phi Delta Grant Program. Consistent with the goals of UPD, AUPHA seeks to elevate the standards, ideals, competencies and ethics of professionally educated students in healthcare management and policy and leadership. Often, programs within UPD have innovative initiatives that cannot be implemented because of the lack of funds. Consequently, AUPHA has pledged to fund two (2), $2,500 competitive UPD Grants each year for at least the next four (4) years.

The grants will be awarded to one Undergraduate UPD Chapter and one Graduate UPD Chapter each year. UPD Chapters in good standing will be eligible to apply for a grant. Grants must be used to benefit the UPD Chapter and the program’s healthcare management students. For example, grants can be used to fund:

  • Programs for UPD students
  • Speakers on healthcare management
  • Graduation events
  • Scholarships
To apply, the UPD Faculty Advisor must submit the online application (link below) no later than April 1, 2020.

2020 UPD Grant Application

The applications will be evaluated by AUPHA staff and grants awarded based on the responses to the application. The chapters chosen to receive the 2020 UPD Grants will be notified by April 15, 2020, and recognized during the 2020 AUPHA Annual Meeting. The UPD Faculty Advisors will be required to submit a brief report on how the grant was used by May 1 of the year following the award (for example May 1, 2021, for this year)

Once a chapter is awarded a UPD Grant, the chapter will not be eligible for another UPD Grant for a period of five years

Please contact Chris Anne Sanyer if you have any questions.
